Monday, July 23, 2012

What species is this?


If you have taken photos of plants or animals in the fynbos or elsewhere, you can post them on and there is a good chance that somebody will identify them for you!

New Species (1 of 5)

Ficinia gordongrayae
Ficinia gordongrayae

A new sedge: a miniature Ficinia sp., only about 6 cm tall. This little gem sometimes forms little "fairy rings" and only grows on quartz and silcrete outcrops in the eastern Overberg's renosterveld.

New Species (2 of 5)

Aspalathus microlithica
Aspalathus microlithica

This creeping Aspalathus has tiny leaves and very small flowers and grows only on silcrete-quartz patches in the Eastern Overberg.

New Species (3 of 5)

Hesperantha sp.
Hesperantha sp.

A new bulb, found only on one site on quartz renosterveld.

The naming of this plant will be auctioned and the proceeds used towards the Overberg Lowlands Conservation Trust.

New Species (4 of 5)

Otholobium curtisiae
Otholobium curtisiae

Recently dicovered on the silcrete outcrops in the renosterveld in the eastern Overberg.

New Species (5 of 5)

Polhillia curtisiae
Polhillia curtisiae

A new member of a small genus, belonging to the legume family, and which mostly occurs only in the renosterveld of the eastern Overberg.